What is the best antonym for corroborate?

What is the best antonym for corroborate?

antonyms for corroborate

  • disclaim.
  • refute.
  • reject.
  • refuse.
  • deny.
  • veto.
  • invalidate.
  • disprove.

What is the synonym and antonym of corroborate?

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms corroborate. Antonyms: weaken, invalidate, shake, confute, rebut, enfeeble. Synonyms: strengthen, confirm, fortify, support.

What’s the synonym for corroborate?

Some common synonyms of corroborate are authenticate, confirm, substantiate, validate, and verify.

What is the opposite of corroborating evidence?

Opposite of to confirm, strengthen, or support something with additional evidence. contradict. disprove. rebut.

What is the legal definition of corroboration?

Corroborate means to confirm and make more certain the substantiating testimony of a witness or a party at a trial. It is best understood in the context of supporting evidence.

Is Sanitariness a word?

Sanitariness Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for sanitariness?

hygiene cleanness
disinfection sanitation
cleanliness asepsis
purity hygienics
sterility salutariness

What does another word for corroborate?

Some common synonyms of corroborate are authenticate, confirm, substantiate, validate, and verify. While all these words mean “to attest to the truth or validity of something,” corroborate suggests the strengthening of what is already partly established.

What is an antonym for word?

An antonym is a semantic term for words that have opposite meanings or definitions. To simply put it, an antonym is an opposite of another word. The term “antonym” has been derived from a Greek word antonumia, which means counter name. It is, in fact, a sense relation or binary relationship between words that have opposite or contradictory meanings.

What is an antonym for dictionary?

As every person on this earth should know, an antonym is a word that means the exact opposite of another; the dictionary definition of the word antonym is: “A word opposite in meaning to another”. So you could say that fat is the antonym of thin, tall is the antonym of small and so on and so on.

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