What is the meaning of so basic?

What is the meaning of so basic?

1. Used to describe someone devoid of defining characteristics that might make a person interesting, extraordinary, or just simply worth devoting time or attention to. 2. Lacking intelligence and unable to socialize on even an elementary level. 3.

What does it mean to feel basic?

“Basic bitch” or simply “basic”, is a slang term in American popular culture used pejoratively to describe women who are perceived to prefer mainstream products, trends, and music. …

What does it mean to be basic man?

Like the term “basic bitch,” basic bro refers to men who predominantly like mainstream products, trends and music. Basic bros often say they appreciate diversity and culture but such talk usually doesn’t go past blacking out at Oktoberfest and eating a lot of Mexican food. Basic Bros come in all ages, shapes and sizes.

What makes someone Basic?

In slang, basic characterizes someone or something as unoriginal, unexceptional, and mainstream. A basic girl—or basic bitch as she is often insulted—is said to like pumpkin spice lattes, UGG boots, and taking lots of selfies, for instance.

Whats the opposite of being basic?

Opposite of of or forming a base or basis. secondary. inferior. ancillary. inessential.

How do you know you’re basic?

50 Signs You’re a Basic B*tch and Proud of It

  • You love pumpkin spice EVERYTHING. Lattes, candles, ice cream, cookies . . .
  • Your cat eyeliner will never be good enough.
  • You abbreviate all adjectives.
  • You’re always down to get some froyo.
  • You love the drama of the Real Housewives of Orange County. . .

How do you know you’re not basic?

18 Signs You’re Not “Basic,” You’re “Acidic”

  • You don’t like Pumpkin Spice Lattes (unless it’s a costume on a dog).
  • Scented candles give you migraines.
  • While you may enjoy astrology, you don’t take it seriously.
  • You don’t own any Uggs.

What’s the new word for basic?

The word “cheugy” went viral on TikTok and was the subject of a recent New York Times report. It signifies a certain out-of-touch aesthetic that’s difficult to define, but easy to identify.

How do I stop being so basic?

5 Ways To Avoid Being So Damn Basic

  1. Stop saying things to impress people.
  2. Smile often.
  3. Know your competition, and crush them.
  4. Love yourself.
  5. Be original.

How do I not be basic?

The 8 Basic Rules of How Not to Be Totally Basic

  1. Rule #1: Learn how to dress thyself.
  2. Rule #2: Smile, please.
  3. Rule #3: Work Out.
  4. Rule #4: Walk with your head up.
  5. Rule #5: Learn how to apply make-up.
  6. Rule #6: Give a Helping hand.
  7. Rule #7: Work Hard, Stay Humble.
  8. Rule #8: It’s okay to be a hot mess, not a drunk mess.

How do you know you’re a basic girl?

50 Signs You Are A “Basic” Girl

  • You say the exact opposite of what she is actually thinking.
  • Dances in front of the mirror.
  • Choosing sleep > hygiene.
  • You eat cookie dough despite the “warning.”
  • Singing drunken karaoke.
  • Telling your friends they look good in that.

Is cheugy basic?

Media described as cheugy include “live, laugh, love signs”, “Minion memes”, ” and “anything that says ‘girl boss’ on it”. While it has been compared to being basic, some sources have suggested that it is “not quite ‘basic’.”


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