When was Voltaire born and when did he die?

When was Voltaire born and when did he die?

Died: May 30, 1778. Paris, France. French poet and philosopher. The French poet, dramatist, historian, and philosopher Voltaire was an outspoken and aggressive enemy of every injustice but especially of religious intolerance (the refusal to accept or respect any differences).

What did Emilie Voltaire do for a living?

While still living with her patient husband and son, Émilie made generous room for Voltaire. They were lovers; and they worked together intensely on physics and metaphysics, a philosophy which investigates the nature of reality.

What did Voltaire do for the Calas family?

Investigation assured Voltaire of their innocence, and from 1762 to 1765 he worked in their behalf. He employed “his friends, his purse, his pen, his credit” to move public opinion to the support of the Calas family. In 1765, Parliament declared the Calas family innocent.

What did Voltaire do with his time in Prussia?

Honored by a respectful correspondence with Frederick II of Prussia (1712–1786), Voltaire was then sent on diplomatic (having to do with international affairs) missions to Prussia. But Voltaire’s new interest was his affair with his widowed niece, Madame Denis.

Voltaire, pseudonym of François-Marie Arouet, (born November 21, 1694, Paris, France—died May 30, 1778, Paris), one of the greatest of all French writers. Although only a few of his works are still read, he continues to be held in worldwide repute as a courageous crusader against tyranny, bigotry, and cruelty.

What are some of Voltaire’s most famous works?

In his lifetime he published numerous works, including books, plays, poems, and polemics. His most famous works included the fictitious Lettres philosophiques (1734) and the satirical novel Candide (1759).

Who was Francois Marie Arouet and who was Voltaire?

Alternative Title: François-Marie Arouet. Voltaire, pseudonym of François-Marie Arouet, (born November 21, 1694, Paris, France—died May 30, 1778, Paris), one of the greatest of all French writers.

How did Voltaire get in trouble with the government?

From early on, Voltaire had trouble with the authorities for critiques of the government. As a result, he was twice sentenced to prison and once to temporary exile to England. One satirical verse, in which Voltaire accused the Régent of incest with his daughter, resulted in an eleven-month imprisonment in the Bastille.

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