How many turkey tags can you get in Missouri?

How many turkey tags can you get in Missouri?

Only one turkey may be taken during the first week of the season. If you do not take one during the first week, then you may take two during the second or third weeks of the season, but you may not take them both on the same day.

Is it legal to shoot a turkey off the roost in Missouri?

Perfectly legal to shoot a turkey on the roost.

Where is the best turkey hunting in Missouri?

Whetstone Creek Conservation Area, managed by the Missouri Department of Conservation, is in Callaway County approximately 40 miles east of Columbia, which had the third highest spring turkey harvest in Missouri during the 2013 season (786 birds harvested).

What time of year can you hunt turkey?

Season Dates: April 13 – May 26 statewide. Some game management units split this range of dates into two seasons; check regulations. Bag Limit: One bearded bird via an over-the-counter permit. Hunters may take an additional bird if they also draw a limited spring turkey permit.

Can you bait turkeys in Missouri?

Turkeys may be taken only by shotgun, with shot no larger than No. 4, atlatl, crossbow, or bow; without the use of dogs, bait, electronic calls, or live decoys; from one-half (1/2) hour before sunrise to 1:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time (CDT).

Can I shoot a turkey in a tree?

In many states, it’s illegal. In turkey hunting the idea of “fair chase” generally involves scouting and finding roosted turkeys. We then set up close enough not to spook them, but far enough away so they can hear our calls.

Where are turkeys in Missouri?

Turkeys are found throughout Missouri’s diverse landscape, evidence that they easily adapt to many land cover types. Populations exist in all 114 counties, from those with less than 10 percent forest cover to those that are nearly all forested.

When is spring turkey season in Missouri?

Spring Youth Portion: April 4 and 5

  • Regular Spring Turkey Season: April 20 through May 10
  • Fall Firearms Turkey Season: Oct. 1 – 31
  • When is Turkey season in Mo?

    The regular turkey season begins on April 10th and runs through May 31st. In Missouri, the youth turkey season starts on April 6th, and the regular spring season on April 15th.

    When is the first day of Turkey season?

    Spring Turkey Season Begins. Today, April 15th, marks the first day of spring turkey hunting. The season lasts thru May 5, 2019. Each hunter must follow specific guidelines during the spring turkey season according to the Missouri Department of Conservation . Hunting is allowed 30 minutes before sunrise to 1pm.

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