How tall do Campanula glomerata grow?

How tall do Campanula glomerata grow?

Campanula glomerata ‘Superba’ (Clustered bellflower ‘Superba’) will reach a height of 0.6m and a spread of 1m after 2-5 years.

How do you care for a Campanula glomerata?

Campanula glomerata ‘Superba’

  1. Position: full sun or partial shade.
  2. Soil: fertile, moist, well-drained, neutral to alkaline soil.
  3. Rate of growth: fast-growing.
  4. Flowering period: June to August.
  5. Hardiness: fully hardy.
  6. Garden care: Avoid planting out seedlings until all threat of frost has passed.

What do I do with Campanula after flowering?

If the campanula flowers a second time, you can cut it back again after it finishes flowering. Cut back severely, removing all the stems down to the basal foliage, the leaves closest to the ground and crown of the plant. Avoid cutting into the crown, because this can kill the campanula.

Should you cut back Campanula?

Trim dead heads to promote more blooms and prolong the flowering period. Always use small scissors or gardening shears when trimming Campanula to prevent tearing your flower stems. Space Campanula 15-18 inches apart when planting.

Is Campanula good for bees?

Flowering plants such as Campanula produce pollen and nectar – nutrients for all bees. A wide diversity of plants rich in nectar (melliferous plants) in your garden will increase the bees’ chances of survival.

Does campanula like sun or shade?

Buying campanula You can grow all specialist campanula in well-drained gritty soil, in full sun or light shade.

Should I deadhead Campanula?

Campanulas are loved for their bell-like, usually blue flowers and long flowering season. Deadhead spent blooms to encourage a second flush.

How tall does Campanula glomerata var alba grow?

Details C. glomerata var. alba is a vigorous, clump-forming perennial, to 50cm tall, with toothed, oblong leaves. Upward-facing, dense clusters of white flowers are borne on erect stems in summer All ratings refer to the UK growing conditions unless otherwise stated. Minimum temperature ranges (in degrees C) are shown in brackets

When is the best time to plant Campanula glomerata?

Blooming mostly from late spring to early summer, the flowers are borne atop sturdy leafy stems above a spreading rosette of ovate to lance-shaped, toothed, green leaves. A dashing focal point in the garden, this Bellflower is perfect for a sunny or partly shaded herbaceous border.

How long do Campanula glomerata flowers last in a vase?

Ideal for beds, borders, cottage gardens, rock gardens or containers. Campanula glomerata makes excellent cut flowers that last up to 2 weeks in a vase! Cut back after flowering, both to prevent self-seeding and to encourage a second flush of flowers. Easily divided in spring or fall.

What kind of flowers are in Campanula superba?

This charming Bellflower is perfect for a sunny or partly shaded herbaceous border. Vigorous and charming, award-winner Campanula glomerata ‘Superba’ (Clustered Bellflower) is a rhizomatous perennial with upward facing, bell-shaped, rich violet-blue flowers held in dense clusters counting up to 15 flowers.

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